
“Los chatbots replantean el modelo de interacción entre un banco y su cliente”

26 abril 2016

Madrid, 26 de Abril de 2016.- “Hablar con tu banco por el Messenger como si fuese tu hermano que vive en la costa o tu amigo de la capital es una sensación tan extraña como natural y cotidiana”, según Oriol Ros (@oros), director de Marketing de @Latinia, tras la evaluación de las primeras iniciativas aparecidas […]

Latinia launches a training program for young sailors to compete in the J80 World Cup

9 febrero 2016

Barcelona, February 9th 2016.– «Latinia has always been very close to the sea. Not surprisingly our name comes partly from a type of sail, known as “Latina”; if we add the coincidence of the attributes of both the sailing and the Software worlds, and add components such as youth and training, result in the Latinia’s […]

Latinia sponsors upcoming FINNOSUMMIT Bogotá

8 febrero 2016

Bogotá, February 8th, 2016.– «The emergence of the Fintech world has made all agents dedicated to innovation in financial services, from banks to vendors to rethink their roles, fit, models and tools in this process. Being a reality that clearly applies and affects us, and towards which we equally feel passion about it as innovators, […]

Latinia, protagonista de FINNOSUMMIT Bogotá

8 febrero 2016

Bogotá, 8 de Febrero de 2016.– “La emergencia del mundo Fintech ha hecho que todos los agentes dedicados a la innovación de los servicios financieros, desde bancos a fabricantes, nos replanteemos roles, encajes, modelos y herramientas de este proceso. Siendo una realidad que nos aplica, afecta y apasiona a partes iguales, hemos decidido colaborar patrocinando […]

Bank’s Little strategic interest to seek collaboration with Fintech

12 enero 2016

Bogota, January 12, 2016.– According to the results of the latest annual survey by Latinia among financial institutions in Latin America and Spain, where wondered major strategic areas of its organization in 2016, «more» mobile banking and «Customer Experience» repeated as main areas of interest and investment from the surveyed entities. On the flip side […]

Poco interés estratégico de la banca en buscar formatos de colaboración con el mundo Fintech

12 enero 2016

Bogotá, 12 de Enero de 2016.- Según los resultados de la última encuesta anual realizada por Latinia entre entidades financieras de Latinoamérica y España, en la que se preguntaba por los principales ejes estratégicos de su entidad en 2016, “más” banca móvil y “Experiencia de cliente” repiten como principales áreas de interés e inversión por […]

Channels and Customer management, rising stars in the 3.9.5 LIMSP© release

4 diciembre 2015

Barcelona, December 4th, 2015.– “Latest LIMSP© release delves deeper into product’s multichannel logic and customer intelligence, strengthening the software of which customer make the most intense use,” according to sources at the software factory that is responsible for the latest LIMSP© version update. The R3.9.5 presents significant architectural improvements, highlighting flow control management, addressed with […]

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