
The Open Banking Revolution

21 February 2023

open banking

What do financial institutions think of the rise of Open Banking? According to a survey of more than 700 banking professionals by software company Finastra for its State of the Nation Survey 2022 report, the impact of open finance is broad, global and necessary for the financial industry to move forward: “Open Banking is now […]

The rise of challenger banks

14 February 2023

challenger banks

The demand for digital financial services offered by challenger banks continues to grow worldwide, although not at the same pace. According to the report published by SEON, Neobanking Index: The State of Neobanks in 2022, 46% of the adult population of Brazil already has an operating account with a neobank, as does 26% of the […]

Virtual branches are the next step for banks in the metaverse

10 January 2023

virtual branches

Is the metaverse merely a fad or a technology that banks should be embracing? Are virtual offices a necessary resource to ensuring future relevance? The metaverse is a trend that in recent years has gained traction in many sectors and the financial sector was by no means left behind; its aim is to capture the […]

7 Innovative Banking Trends For 2023

3 January 2023

Banking trends

Which trends will define the banking sector in 2023? What are the innovation challenges facing the financial industry in the future? The publication The Financial Brand, in its article Top Retail Banking Innovation Trends for 2023, highlights that “the future of retail banking innovation has the foundation of internal and external data, advanced analytics, digital […]

Banking and the metaverse

24 May 2022

metaverso, banca digital, customer experience, metaverse, banking

“The metaverse is the next evolution of the Internet experience, which enables people to move beyond browsing the web towards participating in or even inhabiting a persistent shared experience that spans the spectrum of our real world to a fully virtual world and in between.” This is the definition for the metaverse, one of the […]

The emergence of mobile banking

26 April 2022

mobile banking

Mobile banking, although already on the rise even before the pandemic, has experienced extensive growth from 2020 onwards, establishing itself as a key element in improving the customer experience. Current state of mobile banking As reported in the article How Banking Apps use Push Notifications to enhance the Customer Experience published by One Signal, statistics […]

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