
Real-time communication for financial services use cases

19 July 2024

Real Time communication for financial services use cases

Customer experience in banking has never been more critical. With increasing competition and the rise of digital-first consumers, financial institutions must prioritize seamless and personalized interactions. Customers today expect their banks to not only offer robust financial products but also to deliver exceptional service across all touchpoints. Positive customer experiences can lead to increased loyalty, […]

Examples of Next Best Actions for Banking Marketing

14 June 2024

NBA Marketing Examples

Imagine being able to predict and respond to your customer’s needs at the exact moment they arise. This is the power of Next Best Actions (NBAs) in banking. By using real-time data and sophisticated analytics, NBAs guide banks in determining the most effective action to take for each customer, enhancing engagement and boosting loyalty. This […]

Redeban: Reaping the Benefits of a Smooth Path to Cloud

7 March 2023

Is your legacy infrastructure holding you back from reaching new heights? Learn how Redeban, a leading provider of bank transaction notification services in Colombia, overcame growth challenges and improved service quality by leveraging the inherent benefits of Latinia’s cloud native product. The Challenge: Managing Service Demand Fluctuations with Legacy Systems Redeban’s transaction notification processing services […]

CASE STUDY – Banco Bolivariano (Ecuador)

18 May 2021

THE CHALLENGE Cloud, Clients and Channels define this project. So it was described by @Kyra Arcia, Head of Marketing and Innovation at @BancoBolivariano to comment the bank’s latest project, where they have relied on @Latinia as a critical notification event-gateway solution. “We are in the customer’s moment; he decides how and through which channels he […]

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