
Ensuring the Delivery of Critical Banking Notifications with Latinia Critical Events Gateway

12 September 2023

In the fast-paced world of modern banking, notifications have emerged as a vital communication channel between banks and their customers. However, while these notifications are essential, ensuring timely and error-free delivery has become an increasing challenge. Real-time delivery of critical banking notifications is now more than a convenience; it’s an expectation. Banks are under constant […]

Reducing Call Volume in Banking Call Centers: Innovative Strategies and Solutions

31 August 2023

The 24/7 Nature of a Customer’s Finances In today’s fast-paced digital age, customers’ financial lives never sleep. Whether they’re shopping online at midnight, making international transfers in the wee hours, or checking their account balances first thing in the morning, their financial activities span across the clock. This 24/7 nature of personal finances implies a […]

Customer Experience in Banking, According to EPAM’s Consumer Banking Report

13 December 2022

Consumer Banking Report, EPAM

Do consumers still trust their banks? How satisfied are they with their financial providers? Do customers still use branches or do they prefer other interaction channels? How is the customer experience in banking changing? What challenges and opportunities does unbundling offer? These are some of the questions that a total of 26,000 people answered for […]

Towards personalization of bank alerts

21 September 2022

Personalizar alertas bancarias

Wonder how to improve a bank’s proactivity so they can offer truly useful and consistent service to their customers through bank alert? The software products developed by Latinia have been specifically designed for the financial sector, with the aim of providing a solution to this challenge. “The key lies in filtering and analysing customers’ real-time […]

No customer wants to talk to the bank call centre: how to avoid it?

16 September 2022

Proactividad, call center bancario, tarjetas

A customer’s finances are awake 24/7, meaning the times they might need attention and advice from their bank are many and varied. Nowadays, one of the attributes most valued by customers is proactivity, i.e., that their bank detects one of these moments in advance, helping them to resolve an incident without the customer having to […]

Next Best Action, proactivity for banks

28 June 2022

Next Best Action

How to identify business opportunities from customer transactions? Latinia’s software, Next Best Action (NBA), has been specifically designed for banking as a tool to improve the proactivity of financial institutions thanks to the filtering and analysis of transactional events and customer intelligence data. The collection, interpretation and activation of consumer information has become a competitive […]

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