
Customer Trust in Banking: Why It Matters and How to Build It

10 May 2024

Customer Trust in Banking

In today’s rapidly evolving banking landscape, customer trust is more crucial than ever. According to the J.D. Power 2024 U.S. Retail Banking Satisfaction Study, consumer trust in retail banks has significantly declined over the past two years. Despite efforts to improve customer experience, unexpected fees, poor customer service, and negative press continue to erode trust. […]

What do bank customers want in 2024?

8 March 2024

What do bank customers want

The banking sector is at a critical juncture, marked by the swift rise of digital technologies and evolving customer demands. A survey by The Ascent by Motley Fool highlights a compelling trend: 91% of U.S. consumers rate digital banking capabilities as essential, equal in importance to security and quality customer service. This finding underscores a […]

How to improve banking customer insights to create better segmentation

16 February 2024

conocimiento del cliente bancario

In the banking sector’s competitive landscape, the ability to gather and leverage deep customer insights is a cornerstone for achieving strategic advantages. Banks increasingly recognize the importance of moving beyond surface-level data, diving into the depths of customer behaviors, preferences, and needs to tailor their services more effectively. This focus on enhanced customer insight is […]

Banking on Micro-Moments and Next Best Actions to Boost Conversion

1 June 2023

In today’s digital age, customers are constantly connected and seeking instant solutions to their needs. This is where micro-moments come into play. Coined by Google, micro-moments refer to those brief instances when people instinctively turn to a device to fulfill an immediate desire or find information. These moments are crucial opportunities for businesses, including banks, […]

How Geolocation Can Shape the Future of Bank Customer Loyalty

8 May 2023

In today’s competitive financial landscape, leveraging geolocation data has become a crucial component of a bank’s strategy to gain a competitive advantage. Customer location data offers new opportunities for banks to cooperate with retailers and improve customer loyalty and engagement with non-invasive personalized offers that are highly relevant to their needs.      Geolocation Technology: Insights, […]

Will RCS bring about the end of SMS?

18 October 2022

RCS, seguridad

“Buy your mother an iPhone.” This was Apple CEO Tim Cook’s blunt response to an attendee at the Code 2022 conference when asked if the company would adopt the RCS messaging protocol so that his mother could view the videos he sent her. In its article entitled “Tim Cook would rather have you buy an […]

Andrew McKibben from Bank of America: “Client experience is the key trend for banking”

11 October 2022

Customer experience, Andrew McKibben

What is the most significant technology trend in banking? For Andrew McKibben, Head of International Technology and Operations at Bank of America, “client experience is the driving force behind investment and technological advances at our bank”. In an interview for The Banker with Joy Macknight, editor of the prestigious business publication, Andrew McKibben argues that […]

“Banks aren’t helping customers deal with the inflation crisis,” according to Personetics’ latest survey

27 September 2022


One-fifth of customers feel ignored or abandoned by their banks. This is one of the big warning signs for banks in the latest survey of 5,000 banking customers from across the U.S., United Kingdom, and Canada conducted by Personetics, a company specialising in the development of data-driven personalised customer engagement platforms for financial services. This […]

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