
Towards personalization of bank alerts

21 September 2022

Personalizar alertas bancarias

Wonder how to improve a bank’s proactivity so they can offer truly useful and consistent service to their customers through bank alert? The software products developed by Latinia have been specifically designed for the financial sector, with the aim of providing a solution to this challenge. “The key lies in filtering and analysing customers’ real-time […]

No customer wants to talk to the bank call centre: how to avoid it?

16 September 2022

Proactividad, call center bancario, tarjetas

A customer’s finances are awake 24/7, meaning the times they might need attention and advice from their bank are many and varied. Nowadays, one of the attributes most valued by customers is proactivity, i.e., that their bank detects one of these moments in advance, helping them to resolve an incident without the customer having to […]

IC3 Report: Cybercrime in the US

13 September 2022

Informe IC3 cibercrimen

In the US there were seven billion dollars of estimated losses due to cybercrime, and almost 850,000 complaints filed in 2021. These are the figures published by the IC3, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center specialising in cyber and internet crime, in the “Internet Crime Report 2021”, which analyses cybercrime activity in the country. These […]

70% of banking interactions take place through digital channels

6 September 2022

Canales digitales bancarios y estrategia omnicanal

Banks have an excellent ally in the fight to reconcile digital and physical channels: the mobile phone. The use of this device has exploded over the past few years, and as McKinsey Financial Services analysts Sergey Khon, David Tan, Zubin Taraporevala and Ahmed Nizam, explain in their report Best of both worlds: Balancing digital and […]

Advantages of cloud platform adoption

16 August 2022

Cloud computing, cloud platform

The banking industry has made a strong start in the move toward cloud platform adoption to push forward its digitalization. Experts from around the world, such as Dominic Stewart, Cloud Engineering Senior Director at Oracle UK, are celebrating this strategic decision by some financial institutions and point to the many advantages of migrating to a […]

Retail banking sales fall 10% despite digital sales boom, says McKinsey Financial Services

9 August 2022

mckinsey financial services

How are banks dealing with the coexistence of physical and digital channels? McKinsey Financial Services analysts Sergey Khon, David Tan, Zubin Taraporevala and Ahmed Nizam answer this question in the report “Best of both worlds: Balancing digital and physical channels”, dedicated to analysing the impact on sales caused by the emergence of digital channels in […]

More than 57 million earmarked for banking cybersecurity in Spain

2 August 2022

ciberseguridad bancaria

The financial system, aware of the challenge that banking cybersecurity currently poses, is dedicating significant resources to the area. More specifically, and according to the article published by news portal Finanzas.com entitled Ciberseguridad: el gran desafío de la banca digital (Cybersecurity: Digital Banking’s Great Challenge), “it is estimated that Spanish banks spent around 4,000 million […]

Dominic Stewart, Head of Cloud Engineering at Oracle: “Cloud computing is a secure technology for the bank and its customers”

12 July 2022

Dominic Stewart, The Banker

Cloud computing can help banks better serve their customers, but how? This is the starting point for a series of four informative videos entitled the “Foundations of digital financial services”, a conversation between Dominic Stewart, Senior Director and Head of Cloud Engineering at Oracle UK, and Joy Macknight, editor of the prestigious business magazine The […]

Next Best Action, proactivity for banks

28 June 2022

Next Best Action

How to identify business opportunities from customer transactions? Latinia’s software, Next Best Action (NBA), has been specifically designed for banking as a tool to improve the proactivity of financial institutions thanks to the filtering and analysis of transactional events and customer intelligence data. The collection, interpretation and activation of consumer information has become a competitive […]

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