
Latinia vs. Marketing Automation

18 July 2023

Introduction The rapidly evolving digital landscape has fundamentally transformed the banking industry. Today’s customers expect personalized, instant, and seamless experiences from their financial institutions. Two powerful tools that are helping banks to meet and exceed these expectations are Marketing Automation and Real-Time Analytics. While they serve distinct functions, understanding how they interact can unlock a […]

Defining marketing automation and its applications in the banking industry

11 July 2023

Introduction The significance of marketing automation in today’s competitive landscape In today’s rapidly evolving and highly competitive business environment, marketing automation has become an indispensable tool for businesses across various industries. It enables organizations to streamline their marketing efforts, optimize customer engagement, and drive revenue growth. In the banking sector, where customer expectations are constantly […]

How to Maximize the Impact of your Next Best Action Strategy 

14 June 2023

Next Best Action (NBA) and Next Best Offer (NBO) campaigns are a very effective customer development tool. NBAs allow banks to show a willingness to respond to customer’s needs in a timely manner and avoid blasting one campaign or messaging out to every customer. In this article, you will learn how to perfect your Next […]

How to anticipate customer needs and optimize your bank offers 

12 June 2023

Each customer is unique, with their own distinct set of needs, desires, preferences, and behaviors. While many financial institutions have become adept at managing customer relationships by collecting extensive data on customer preferences and behaviors, these efforts are often constrained and primarily centered around customer interactions through digital channels.  Be part of your customer’s daily […]

How to Remove Obstacles on Your Way to the Cloud 

8 June 2023

The transition to cloud deployment is a crucial milestone in the digital transformation journey for financial institutions. By migrating from on-premises or third-party hosted solutions to the cloud, banks can accelerate the introduction of new services and enhance the customer experience by reducing friction.   Each bank will adopt its unique approach and timeline when transitioning […]

Banking on Micro-Moments and Next Best Actions to Boost Conversion

1 June 2023

In today’s digital age, customers are constantly connected and seeking instant solutions to their needs. This is where micro-moments come into play. Coined by Google, micro-moments refer to those brief instances when people instinctively turn to a device to fulfill an immediate desire or find information. These moments are crucial opportunities for businesses, including banks, […]

Best Practices for Protecting Client Confidentiality in Push Notifications 

30 May 2023

Push notification services (PNS) are optimal for transmitting sensitive data and enhancing customer experiences in the financial sector. They not only ensure safe transmission of confidential information but are also favored by users for their immediacy and user-friendly nature.  Benefits of Push Notifications in Banking: Higher Engagement with Reduced Messaging Costs  With PNS, financial institutions […]

Three Key Factors Driving Bank Loyalty that Foster Emotional Connection 

29 May 2023

Emotional connection has been the basis of bank loyalty for generations. The relationships customers developed with bank employees, the quality of in-person customer service, and the deep-rooted trust in depository institutions have all contributed to the popularity of neighborhood banks.  However, the landscape has shifted significantly today, with many neighborhoods no longer hosting a physical […]

AI Co-Pilots and the New Era of Conscious Content Transformation

22 May 2023

In the digital space, all organizations compete and are forced to adapt to new AI-assisted knowledge models. This implies a new era of co-pilots in different department areas, where digital processes will be reviewed and adapted to hybrid-assisted knowledge models based on Large Language Model systems.      LLM Systems: Lights and Shadows   The introduction […]

The Banking Customer as the Key to Cybersecurity

15 May 2023

In recent years, we have witnessed a significant increase in cyberattacks. According to Cybersecurity Ventures, cybercrime is booming: by the end of 2023, it could have an impact of close to $8 trillion globally and the forecast for 2025 is $10.5 trillion. Social engineering techniques, in particular, have become more prevalent and sophisticated, with cybercriminals […]

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