
Latinia extends its multichannel alert products to TV Banking

5 July 2012

BARCELONA, July 5, 2012/PRNewswire/ — “The success of the now-ubiquitous “apps” has opened up a whole new world of possibilities which reach far beyond smartphones; applications, and consequently their inseparable push alert systems, have found a natural extension of their original value prop in the smart televisions’ ecosystem. Here at Latinia, we have chosen to […]

“Competing to be relevant in real time is the new battleground for banking”

26 June 2012

Madrid, June 26, 2012.- “Understanding the customer’s context is the key for a new dialog based on the relevance between financial institutions and their customers”. With these words, Oriol Ros, Latinia’s marketing manager, summed up his presentation, “Welcome to the age of relevance”, which took place today in Madrid, within the framework of a conference […]

“Messaging and SMS are no longer exclusive and perfect synonyms”

22 May 2012

Barcelona, May 22, 2012. – “Some time ago, in a not too distant kingdom, to talk about messaging was to talk about SMS … that is how any narration could begin when trying to explain this phenomenon to future generations. This is, to say the least, the reality that emerged in 2011. Today, messaging is […]

‘Apps’ burst as a new channel of relationship and business between banks and their customers

28 March 2012

Madrid, March 28, 2012.- According to the recent report unveiled by Latinia titled “Mobile Banking in Latin America”, already in its 4th edition, and that analyzes the penetration of mobile financial services among the 100 top entities of the region, the popular “Apps” emerge as the key actors of the latest ‘technological breakthrough’ carried out […]

Mobile Banking in Latin America goes on the offensive

15 March 2012

Madrid, March 15, 2012.- According to the recent report unveiled by Latinia titled “Mobile Banking in Latin America”, already in its 4th edition, and that analyzes the penetration of mobile financial services among the 100 top entities of the region, “the offer of services through the mobile channel has now entered a more qualitative rather […]

“The debate is not whether the bank should have more or less offices, an App, a mobile portal or SMS Banking, but rather if it is customer-centric or not”

23 January 2012

Madrid, January 23, 2012. – “The current economic context has intensified a debate, which has occupied the banking sector over the last decade, regarding their actual mix of channels in the future and the impact of these on their commercial offer. Although this debate is important, there is another which is equally relevant; regardless of […]

Latinia introduces tweet banking

29 November 2011

Barcelona, November 29, 2011. – Latinia, an independent software vendor (ISV), specialized in infrastructure products for asynchronous type corporate notifications (mobile or instant messaging, email, Twitter’s DM, push notifications), has recently introduced the concept of ‘tweet banking’. According to Oriol Ros, Marketing Director of Latinia “for many financial institutions today, talking with their clients through […]

Latinia introduce el tweet banking

29 November 2011

Barcelona, 29 de Noviembre de 2011.- “Hablar con tu cliente a través del canal que este escoja. Esta es hoy en día una máxima estratégica para muchas entidades financieras, por lo que Twitter, en boca de todos y con velocidades de adopción jamás vistas, pasa a ser un canal prioritario de observación primero, y explotación […]

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