

“The debate is not whether the bank should have more or less offices, an App, a mobile portal or SMS Banking, but rather if it is customer-centric or not”

Madrid, January 23, 2012. – “The current economic context has intensified a debate, which has occupied the banking sector over the last decade, regarding their actual mix of channels in the future and the impact of these on their commercial offer. Although this debate is important, there is another which is equally relevant; regardless of how it is viewed, the critical issue is actually the flow of its integration; that is, how two, three or more channels participate in a seamless interaction with the client throughout the entire process”, according to Oriol Ros, person in charge of marketing for the software-vendor.

“The convergence of support and media facilitate a transmedia business process, where conversation with the customer can be ‘activated’ based on a push not alert, notifying the same that his last wage payment reaches the minimum required for a highly profitable deposit, performing also a retargeting action by reminding him when consulting their balance in the bank portal, or when withdrawing cash from the ATM. This is transmedia marketing, a strategy in which we contribute by cross-selling on any type of asynchronous notification sent to the customer”, said Ros, regarding one of the firm commitments of the Catalonian brand for 2012.

“If we want to sell we must be extremely relevant for the interests of the customer, micro-relevant as we say in Latinia. The customer is very selective with the financial institution when interacting with the same, that is to say, he utilizes indistinctly any channel; that is a great achievement of the last decade, but that fragmentation, which offers convenience to the customer, is not effective/profitable for the bank if the information flowing through the different channels (the customer) is not well integrated. That integration is the first step in order to really place the customer in the center of our strategy. It is useless to have the best mobile application if the information enhancing it does not have continuity, such as two hours later, when the customer fixes his eyes on the screen of an ATM and grants us his attention, always scarce, for only 45 seconds. That time span is a window of opportunity for “speaking” with the customer”, continued the person in charge of marketing of Latinia.

“An essential goal for a financial institution should be to improve the connection between the office and the other channels, in order to generate and deliver a more efficient and complete multichannel experience. The silo-based multichannel system, due to the lack of integration, creates a very inconsistent customer experience that derails any effort for executing a customer centered strategy”, concluded Ros.

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