

It’s the Client, not the Channels!


Bogota, July 7th, 2017. – Latinia, the software vendor of multi-channel financial notifications, unleashes the results of its 9th annual report on Mobile Banking and Social Media (Spanish) in the LatAm region, highlighting the importance of the customer in front of the channels, as well as the rise of Artificial intelligence. The report analyzed 100 banks of “The 250 Largest Banks of Latin America” from the America Economía Intelligence annual report ranking.

The Catalan software company warns of where banks should focus the business, which is not so much on the channels as on the client. “It is no longer a channel game, or about how many channels you have in your offering, but to convoy the customer in all our interactions in a fluid, frictionless manner, because delivery formulas will continue to appear and multiply, and certainly we cannot make the customer responsible for our ‘omni’ offer obsession; It is about making his life easier, being coherent with all the touch points we have with him, and looking for … his WOW moment! Does anyone doubt that the chatbots appearance is going to be a new revolution in the interaction between a bank and its customers? Or the space that Social Networks are opening to relate to their customers? As more channels and delivery methods emerge -and will continue doing it, risks of saturation do it in the same proportion, so “banks should focus all their efforts on the only asset that will never disappear, the customer”, said Oriol Ros, Latinia’ marketing manager.

The report also highlights the incipient role of Artificial Intelligence, “visible today thanks to the chatbots, these curious characters who are beginning to live with the rest of the channels and whose presence is expected to increase in the next five years. Chatbots are the evidence of a new bank that opens its way, the conversational banking, daughter of AI and the pervasive deployment of messaging applications”, Ros quoted.

In conclusion, the arrival and spreading of chatbots puts another notch towards the interaction between banks and their customers. Social Networks represent an essential space for banks to interact with them as well. “Both issues, the massive adoption of Social Networks and the irruption of Artificial Intelligence invites you to stop thinking in terms of channel logic to make it around your only permanent asset, the one that if cared, will always be there, your customer”, ended Ros.

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