

Latinia backs the 49er yachtsmen Carlos Robles and Dani Codina in their race for Rio 2016

Barcelona, June 3rd, 2013. – “The values of the sailing world, more specifically in the 49er class, and what Carlos Robles and Dani Codina represent are extremely close to Latinia and its business culture, based on teamwork, agility, spirit of improvement, youth and of course, ambition. This is very consistent with Latinia as the concepts are closely linked to our DNA; hence our willingness to accompany Carlos and Dani in the challenge of taking them to Rio 2016”, said Alejandro Olabarría, company chairman.

Carlos Robles has been singled out by many as the natural replacement for prizewinners Xabi Fernández and Íker Martínez, having reaped multiple titles since he began sailing by the coasts of Garraf at just six years old. When he was a child he already stood out in the children’s dinghy sailing categories showing a maturity and an unusual talent for a boy his age; he continued this progression to win three global titles in the category below 49er: the 29er. He currently holds the title of Undisputed World Champion of 29er. This year Latinia will accompany Carlos Robles and Dani Codina in the Spanish, European and the World championship regattas.

For Carlos himself, “given the current economic situation, the role of sponsors is increasingly critical, and having a travelling companion like Latinia, a young, cutting-edge and ambitious company, is something that beyond the responsibility is enormously rewarding and motivating”.

“The road to the Olympics that Carlos Robles and Dani Codina are following will be full of mishaps that are similar to what Latinia overcomes in its daily activity, highly demanding, natural elements, in our case the market, turbulence, competition and flexibility in responding when conditions change. This commitment to accompany them to Rio is like a journey parallel to our own,” Olabarría concluded.

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