

“Relevance is the only antidote to combat the attention crash”

Madrid, April 24th, 2013.- “In a scenario of approaching overload, cause of the thousands of impacts that a consumer daily receives claiming his attention, the only way to get that magical moment when he listens to us is looking for its WOW. People forget what you say, what you do, but never will forget how you made them feel”, noted Oriol Ros, Latinia’s marketing director, paraphrasing the poet Maya Angelou in the last Latinia Webinar centered on the Attention Economy.

“Some maintain that this responsibility now rests on the generation of positive experiences to the customer. The customer experience has always existed, and always will, is the client’s usual WOW, but in a growing and out-of-control attention deficit situation, it becomes more relevant than ever” continued Ros. “Convenience, Context and having fun are three leverages that banks can activate to try to capture that split second that may result in to a new dialogue between the consumer and its financial institution”, followed Latinia’s marketing manager.

Regarding CONVENIENCE Ros highlighted the following thought: “Mobile as a payment method makes little sense, or has a poorly differentiated value proposition over other alternatives, a card itself is already more bearable. Only if converted into wallet, identifying my context, physical, financial and temporal will give the cellphone that extra to make it the ultimate weapon for the retailer “.

About CONTEXT Ros emphasized that “a consumer outstandingly values benefits originated from location-based services such as time savings or being notified that some discounts from his favorite products are close to. But there is bad news too. He will never pay for it…at least in currency paper. Instead, he may do it in kind, letting the provider to know certain elements about its context, involving in the monetization scheme a third party, a bank partner, if the client perceives the offer attractive and relevant. Everything depends on this. ”

About FUN, “not leisure”, Ros pointed to, gamification centered his speech, first reviewing the concept and then their possible applications to the financial world. “Currently, most initiatives aim to stimulate greater use of online banking or educating on a savings culture through dynamics based on obtaining achievements and rewards, often being more a resource for learning that an engagement action”, ended Ros.

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