

Latinia keeps growing in Mexico by adding Santander to its portfolio

Mexico City, April 3rd, 2017.- Latinia has just announced the incorporation of Banco Santander  México (@SantanderMx) to its client portfolio after the FI acquisition of the LIMSP © suite, consisting of the SDP 360º multi-channel notification’s product, the Alert Engine and the infrastructure for cross-selling NBA (Next Best Actions) services. “The position of Latinia in the region and the excellent feedback conveyed by other Santander Group banks’ on the robustness of our software and the agility in its implementation have been key elements for the Bank’s decision,” said Daniel Aguilar (@daguilara), Latinia’s VP Sales in the region.

“For us it is a Strategic sale in a Strategic market. We already have 50% of top Mexican banks market share and a very visible presence within the Santander Group, to whom we thank its commitment for our products of software infrastructure”, continued Aguilar. “Santander is making a lot of focus on generating positive service experiences around its customers, looking for their WOW, accompanying them on their customer journey and making them feel that the Bank keeps them in mind, so our stack fully fits their proposal,” according to Oriol Ros (@oros), marketing director of Latinia.

By centering on a customer-centric strategy banks do not only compete with other FI’s for attracting their customer’s attention-span, but with a full range of Service Providers who have little or nothing to do with the financial world, from Starbucks to Amazon, passing through Apple, getting its favor has become a supreme challenge due to its tremendous potential, “returned Aguilar, on the same page with the bank’s business philosophy, which sees the possibility of impacting on their customer’s journey “an opportunity to differentiate itself from its competitors”.

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