Latinia, a company specializing in software infrastructure, has just announced the launch of a new product range focused on e-mail. It has thus extended its traditional selection based on mobile messaging, the product category in which it occupies a distinguished position in providing middleware solutions for financial institutions and government. “It has been a natural evolution of our expertise and know-how, but it especially arises from our customers’ demands. We are experts in asynchronous technologies and software infrastructure. This made the equation very easy, especially when your customers have the same problems to solve with e-mail that they already solved with our messaging products”, stated Marc Alcón, Latinia’s technical director. “We are dealing with a channel that is more mature than SMS messaging with more years on the market, and that, due to its intrinsic characteristics, such as residuality, its credibility has been intensely sabotaged. Elements such as spam or phishing have invalidated it as a channel of confidence in sectors as inclined to multi-channelness and in need of reliable and alternative channels such as financial institutions or the public sector”, states Alcón. In this regard, the Latinia product line for e-mail focuses its value proposal on settling deficiencies similar to the ones corrected with SMS messaging products; the need to send e-mail from various settings at the institution, decentralized management, non-unified data, permanent requirements to adapt the channel to new formats and contents, lack of traceability and recording messages sent or needs for security, protection and compliance of corporate or legislative policies. E-mail has become an indispensable pillar for financial institutions and the public sector in its relationship -multichannel- with customers and citizens due to the low cost of e-mail communications and the channel’s universality. In the last decade, we have assisted the exceptional development of environments where using it is indispensable. These environments include Internet banking or electronic administration.
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